

Environmental Storytelling for Sustainable Development


The purpose of ENVSTORIES project activities is bringing together “young changemakers” from four countries to brainstorm ideas for solutions to local, national and international environmental problems. The program offers the participants the opportunity to meet and learn from people across the world in a variety of immersive environments: which could prove useful to deepen their knowledge about the environment and arm their self with the tools necessary to understand the unique challenges environments and distinct cultures across the world face.

ENVSTORIES will focus on creating awareness, knowledge and experience to the teachers relevant to sustainable development, which is achieved through the actions of environmental education, giving them ICT tools to apply methodologies for collaborative problem solving and storytelling to their classrooms. The education path proposed combines short-term international mobility and innovative online learning, both for teachers as for students. Experiential Teaching Methodologies that are pupil-centered, encourage active learning and foster critical thinking are proposed.


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The purpose of ENVSTORIES project activities is bringing together “young changemakers” from four countries to brainstorm ideas for solutions to local, national and international environmental problems.

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Envstories Project Implementation Guide

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Τα σκουπίδια στον πλανήτη

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Τα σκουπίδια στον πλανήτη

Δημοτικό σχολείο της Βίβλου, Νάξου

Σενάριο - Σκηνοθεσία: Δήμητρα Λούπη (θεατρολόγος)
Στίχοι: Μαριάννα Σκάρκου (μαθήτρια)
Μελοποίηση: Βαγγέλης Χίντζος (δάσκαλος)
Μουσική επιμέλεια: Γιώργος Κάβουρας (μουσικός)
Υπεύθυνος προγράμματος: Χρήστος Σκάρκος (διευθυντής σχολείου)
Κάμερα - μοντάζ: Μανόλης Λυκουρόπουλος




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